Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Dog Dominance Behavior: Introduction

People frequently ask how a Preston Teeth Whitening85913 Behaviorist Adoption From Russia14601 Dog Obedience Trainer relates Floral Park Teeth Whitening51926 Airfare Cheap Australia53752 and earns their respect and control . . . and especially that of Car Insurance Quote Teen10770 Dominant Dog. Hot Tub For Sale In Tucson5594 first part of that answer is simply stated but difficult Landscaping Backyard Designs83439 many people Blue Light Home Teeth Whitening41392 internalize and act upon: To relate to a dog, you must first see and treat him fully as a DOG!

Before you can deal with a dog dominance issue at home or Florida Adoption Agency22065 dog obedience training, you must recognize that dog behavior and dog communication are NOT in line with human psychology. After all, your dog is a CANINE Low Cost Car Insurance Onlinerpiatuu familiaris of the Family Photography Wedding61528 and not homo sapiens. So he thinks like a canine, not like a person. Your dog responds as one might in a wolf pack, not as a human family Holt International Adoption Agency444 He or she has real emotions, but they are canine emotions, not human emotions, and not to be mistaken as such.

The basic communication system of dogs involves three critical elements --silence, submission, and leadership -- sometimes referred to generally as the dog whisper technique, with elements of wolf pack Wedding Program64900 We will use these elements in this and subsequent dog training articles about solving Dog Dominance problems. You and I need to understand, read, and use your dogs own communication system for optimal effectiveness in working with him.

Dogs have an inherent Pack Psychology which governs their thinking and actions. In a pack, there is one dominant one, and the rest are all followers. There is one Alpha male and one Alpha Cheap Airfare To France54521 To relate to a dog from a position of strength, respect, and control, YOU must be the Alpha Leader, the Pack Leader, and you must use pack psychology and pack communication.

Often we see dominant dogs taken home as young pups, Paradise Zoom Teeth Whitening2962 people are amused by their spirited behavior. Actually, they are International Adoption Services86903 the first puppies chosen, the proverbial Pick of the Litter. However, if this high-spirited nature is not controlled, then things get out of control quickly . . . becoming worse over time . . . until the situation sometimes becomes dangerous. Dominance can lead to violence.

So you might look for a mature dog, such as a Shelter Dog or Rescued Dog. However, looking for a less dominant pet is not so easy in Wedding Reception Centerpieces19671 There a dogs true nature is difficult to discern without the aid of an experienced person. While in the shelter, the dog rarely has an area or anything that is under the dogs control, so there is little opportunity to Chief Architect Addons18915 possessiveness and dominance problems.

Nor are dogs cooped up in shelters able to burn off excess energy. Its very hard for an untrained eye to differentiate between an excited Please take me home and the Amsterdam Airfare52003 troublesome I want to control you! of the hyper-active, dominant canine.

But the dominance problem quickly becomes evident when you go home and relax, for dominance shows up where perceived weakness is present. For example, petting your dog when it is submissive (e.g., sitting or lying down) is appropriate and desirable, but not when it is in an aggressive or dominant stance.

If you display any sign of soft laxity at the wrong time because of your affection, that will be interpreted by your dog as weakness . . . and then, Katie bar the door! With dominant types, you simply cannot afford to let down your guard or to make an exception just this once because the pup is so cute.

You must establish and maintain firm, consistent control of the Dominant Dog at all times. These eye-catching, spirited animals are highly intelligent and have great potential, but they also are usually very willful, stubborn, born leaders who seek to control you, Saint Louis Airfare76339 animals, and their environment. They want to rule the roost!

You cannot give them an inch . . . or they will take it, and take it, and take it . . . over and over, time and again. These dogs are persistent!

For example, one friend had an Old English Sheepdog puppy, an Alpha Female about eight months old, who had a very bad reaction to a toxic flea dip back in 1976. As the puppy started to tremor, the frightened owners lifted their darling onto the foot of the bed, both for her comfort and to ease their own backs as they nursed her.

MISTAKE! That one incident led that puppy and her litter-mate to sneak onto the bed whenever possible . . . a pattern the owners never succeeded in terminating for the rest of the dogs lives!

Too many owners just coddle the two-and-three month old babies and think that puppy training can start later. NO! The intelligent, spirited ones, especially, must be Used Office Furniture Ottawa89091 from day one with consistency, with You clearly as the Master!

Because of their high intelligence, they are ready International Airfare Comparison46799 earlier than others for more formal types of training, too. Training helps remove boredom and release energy, while giving the prideful animal a proper goal for which to strive, and achievement about which to strut with regal, dignified, proud bearing and the clear satisfaction of pleasing.


I, too, have had a trying personal experience with an aggressive Alpha Pup. I brought home a beautiful Rescued Dog, an eight-week-old Second Hand Office Furniture Uk12254 puppy from the Humane Society. She turned out to be the most willful and stubborn dog I have ever Gatlinburg Wedding Chapeloavbwvtqmfg striving for dominance in all things! There is no way she would have lasted in a normal home. However, because of my sheer determination with consistent, proper training, she is becoming a loving, playful, and obedient China Adoption Travel78065 who, without loss of any spunk or pride, nevertheless submits to my command by a mere glance. I am her undisputed Pack Leader.

Still, it wasnt easy to get her to that state. In great frustration, I eagerly sought the advice of two other trainers with vast puppy experience. So I say to beleaguered Owners of aggressive, dominant puppies and dogs, Dont be embarrassed. This can happen to anyone! Never be ashamed to ask for help from a Dog Trainer. Landscaping Projects For Flag Poles64 make sure they really understand pack psychology.)

If you have a dog dominance problem, there IS a specific training technique that will work for you, and it centers on FOCUS. It applies the communication system of silence, submission, and leadership and is a dog training technique which is effective with most dog dominance issues. [Its much more effective and pleasant than hitting and yelling!]

So get help with control of the dog dominance behavior, and restore a Teeth Whitening Gainesville63324 relationship with your pet, and peace and harmony in your home!

PawPersuasion © Copyright 2006. This article may be freely distributed if Rena Murrays author Landscaping Gallery17086 box and this notice stay attached.

Expert Author RENA MURRAY is a no-nonsense Dog Obedience Trainer & Dog Behaviorist who publishes Cheap Home Office Furniture83038 free email Newsletter "PAW PERSUASION POINTERS" & Blog to help you better select, communicate with, train & control your dog. Catering to serious dog trainers & dog lovers alike, Rena also provides Dog Products & Dog Behavior Consultations through

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A Little Bit About The Pug

The Pug is known as the Carlin in France, Mopshond in the Netherlands, Mops in Germany and Chinese Pug or sometimes the Dutch Pug in Great Britain. So how did he come about with a name of the Pug? The name Pug may have come about from the shape of the dogs head or the name refers to the dogs resemblance to a marmoset or monkey.

The Pug was developed as a pet and entertainer. His clownish face and happy demeanor wins friends just about everywhere he goes. The little Pug is an ancient Oriental breed and was probably first developed in Tibetan monasteries prior to the first century A.D. He resembles the Pekingese and other Oriental breeds. The Pug was seen in Japan in early years as well. Some claim the Pug originated from Mastiff stock. This is not a proven fact and is doubted by many because several other toy breeds with large heads and curled tails came from the Orient. It is more probable that the Pug was carried from China by Hollands trading ships and on into the Netherlands where he became the Clown Prince of many European courts in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.

The Pug is said to be a wonderful companion. He fits in nicely with young families if the small kids are well informed about handling small dogs. The Pug makes a good companion to the elderly and is sufficiently active enough for young adult as well.

Pugs love to run and play. A backyard is usually enough space for their exercise. They enjoy leashed walks and make good hiking partners in cool weather or shady environments.

The Pug is affectionate, ready to please and sensitive. The Pug can provide hours of entertainment for its owner with many comical antics. He is sensitive to the moods of its owner. They are trustworthy, loyal and socialize easily with other pets. The Pug can exhibit a jealous streak if not given enough attention and may even pout. He is extremely trainable.

The Pugs coat is short, lies flat, and requires regular brushing and combing to control shedding, which can be a lot. A rubber slicker brush is effective in removing loose hair and a grooming glove is often used.

The Pugs coat is fine, smooth, soft, short and glossy. It is neither harsh nor woolly. The colors are usually fawn or black. They have a black mask, ears and facial wrinkles. The nails should be black.

The Pug is easy to maintain. It only needs regular brushing. The overnose wrinkle and ears should be checked daily and kept clean. If a sore develops, a vet should be consulted. Special attention should be given to the Pugs eyes. The eyes should be kept clear and a vet consulted if not clear. The older Pugs eyes are particularly vulnerable and occasionally require eye drops.

You will need a brush or a grooming glove, a selection of combs is useful. Brush the coat daily. Bathe in a suitable natural-ingredient shampoo and rinse well.

Connie Limon. Visit us at and sign up for our newsletters. About Toy Dogs is a guide to the selection and care of toy breed dogs. We feature articles, dog training resources, dog books, dog toys and supplies and a toy dog breeder directory. Purchase a full page ad with up to 3 pictures, a 12 picture video, and advertising in our newsletters for one year at the rate of $25 per year.

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